Content of Second section
Run a manual sweep of anomalous airborne or electromagnetic readings. Radiation levels in our atmosphere have increased by 3,000 percent. Electromagnetic and subspace wave fronts approaching synchronization. What is the strength of the ship's deflector shields at maximum output? The wormhole's size and short period would make this a local phenomenon. Do you have sufficient data to compile a holographic simulation?
Unidentified vessel travelling at sub warp speed, bearing 235.7. Fluctuations in energy readings from it, Captain. All transporters off. A strange set-up, but I'd say the graviton generator is depolarized. The dark colourings of the scrapes are the leavings of natural rubber, a type of non-conductive sole used by researchers experimenting with electricity. The molecules must have been partly de-phased by the anyon beam.
Content of Third section
Now what are the possibilities of warp drive? Cmdr Riker's nervous system has been invaded by an unknown microorganism. The organisms fuse to the nerve, intertwining at the molecular level. That's why the transporter's biofilters couldn't extract it. The vertex waves show a K-complex corresponding to an REM state. The engineering section's critical. Destruction is imminent. Their robes contain ultritium, highly explosive, virtually undetectable by your transporter.
Exceeding reaction chamber thermal limit. We have begun power-supply calibration. Force fields have been established on all turbo lifts and crawlways. Computer, run a level-two diagnostic on warp-drive systems. Antimatter containment positive. Warp drive within normal parameters. I read an ion trail characteristic of a freighter escape pod. The bomb had a molecular-decay detonator. Detecting some unusual fluctuations in subspace frequencies.
Content of Fourth section
Unidentified vessel travelling at sub warp speed, bearing 235.7. Fluctuations in energy readings from it, Captain. All transporters off. A strange set-up, but I'd say the graviton generator is depolarized. The dark colourings of the scrapes are the leavings of natural rubber, a type of non-conductive sole used by researchers experimenting with electricity. The molecules must have been partly de-phased by the anyon beam.
Sensors indicate human life forms 30 meters below the planet's surface. Stellar flares are increasing in magnitude and frequency. Set course for Rhomboid Dronegar 006, warp seven. There's no evidence of an advanced communication network. Total guidance system failure, with less than 24 hours' reserve power. Shield effectiveness has been reduced 12 percent. We have covered the area in a spherical pattern which a ship without warp drive could cross in the given time.
Content of First section
It indicates a synchronic distortion in the areas emanating triolic waves. The cerebellum, the cerebral cortex, the brain stem, the entire nervous system has been depleted of electrochemical energy. Any device like that would produce high levels of triolic waves. These walls have undergone some kind of selective molecular polarization. I haven't determined if our phaser energy can generate a stable field. We could alter the photons with phase discriminators.
Deflector power at maximum. Energy discharge in six seconds. Warp reactor core primary coolant failure. Fluctuate phaser resonance frequencies. Resistance is futile. Recommend we adjust shield harmonics to the upper EM band when proceeding. These appear to be some kind of power-wave-guide conduits which allow them to work collectively as they perform ship functions. Increase deflector modulation to upper frequency band.